How to swap MRAT (V1) to SMRAT (MRAT V2) on MetaMask Extension

Make sure that:

  • You have MRAT classic (MRAT V1)

  • You connected to your wallet

  • Using BSC Network

Now, following these steps to swap MRAT V1 to SMRAT (MRAT V2)

Before migration: Choose the Migration tab

Step 1: Click on Approve Swap and confirm the transaction

Step 2: Click on the "Swap" button and confirm the transaction

Step 3: Wait for the transaction is done, you can see the popup "SWAPPED SUCCESSFULLY!"

Step 4: Click on "Back to SMRAT's Dapp" to back to the dashboard.]

If you are using other Apps, check the tutorial here:

+ TrustWallet Application:

+ MetaMask Application:

+ Safepal Application:

Last updated